
Welcome to the events! Here you will have access to resources that other organizations and universities have developed for you to learn more about your mind. There will be various available events, that will help you gain valuable insight into the world of neurology and psychology.

Unveiling Tumor Immune Landscape: Using Multiplexed Whole-Tissue Imaging and AI-Powered Spatial Analysis

May 15th| 12pm EDT | Labroots and Leica Microsystems

Immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, have emerged as promising treatments for advanced cancers. However, a subset of patients exhibits resistance to such therapies, and the precise mechanisms underlying tumor immune resistance are not fully elucidated. Importantly, the optimal therapeutic efficacy of a given treatment in cancer patients is influenced by tumor-associated immunosuppressive mechanisms within the tumor microenvironment (TME). The spatial landscape of tumor-infiltrating immune cells, among other molecular signatures, also plays a role in treatment response.

OCD or an Anxiety Disorder? Getting the Diagnosis Right.

May 16th | 11am EDT | Mental Health America

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) manifests in all kinds of ways—from checking and counting to ruminating and handwashing. And while OCD is often thought of as an anxiety disorder, diagnostically speaking, it is something distinct. Understanding all this can be tricky, to be sure. But it’s also critical when it comes to helping someone struggling with these conditions. So how can clinicians, educators, and loved ones learn to recognize the difference between naturally occurring anxiety, potentially debilitating anxiety disorders, and OCD? What sets OCD apart from these conditions? And what does effective treatment look like and where can you find it?

Borderline Personality Disorder – Diagnostics and Treatment

May 30th | 11am EDT | McLean Mass General Brigham

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can make most everything about a person feel unstable—from their moods and behavior, to their relationships and identity. It impacts self-image, likes and dislikes, and personal goals. And all too often, people living with the condition find themselves on edge after even the smallest of triggers. Fortunately, BPD can be treated. But first it has to be recognized, and that’s not always easy. So what should we all know about spotting the signs and symptoms of BPD? Who’s at risk of developing this disorder? And how can it most effectively be treated?