Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

February 6, 2023 | Raquel Paz Bergia | Neurology

Alzheimer’s affects over 3 million patients each year, only in the United States. In India, more than 4 million people have some form of dementia. Alzheimer’s is mainly recognized by memory loss, as well as other important mental functions. Right now, scientists and doctors haven’t found a cure for Alzheimer’s. However, there has been the development of technologies and nootropics to help patients.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder that affects many areas of the brain, primarily the nerve cells in the hippocampus. Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s tend to show memory loss symptoms. Many patients share their stories to show that being hopeful is the right thing. For instance, as published in a Mayo Clinic Magazine Issue, Mike got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He shared the lesson that even if he didn’t remember her, him having to quit his job, having to stop driving, as well as many other things, his life was still meaningful and full of purpose.

How does it affect the Brain?

Alzheimer’s disease begins developing in the hippocampus of the brain. This is the area responsible for memory. However, as the disease evolves, it begins affecting the cerebral cortex, which is the area responsible for language, social behaviors, and reasoning.

What causes Dementia & Alzheimer’s?

Most cases of Dementia and Alzheimer’s are due to multiple causes. These include, but are not limited to, neurodegenerative issues, vascular problems, sleep disturbances, psychiatric cases, and medications. Some people have vascular impairments that begin the development of Alzheimer’s, which causes cell damage or death. Moreover, others have uneven and low-quality sleep, affecting cognitive skills, such as learning and thinking. Psychiatric cases are primarily based on those that affect memory, concentration, and mood. Some drugs can increase the chances of Alzheimer’s due to their components’ long-term side effects.

Where can you read more about Alzheimer’s?

Searching for articles about Alzheimer’s is a good way to begin researching this interesting and curious disorder. Moreover, case studies can be found on Google, as well as different doctors may share experiences with patients. Researching science-based magazines and articles can help increase your knowledge about Alzheimer’s.

How can you help people around you who suffer from Alzheimer’s?

Learning as much as you can about the disease will allow you to be understanding about the situation the patient is going through. As well as that, focusing on the well-being of the patient will help them a lot. It has been scientifically proven that the active role of partners, family members, and the community allows increasing well-being for the patient. Empathizing, meaning imagining being in the shoes of the patient, will allow improvement of the life of someone with Dementia. Establishing routines, being a friend, exploring arts, finding purpose, and other activities of this style allow for increased well-being of the patient.

What Nootropics and Technologies can help people with Alzheimer’s?

Medication for Alzheimer’s disease allows for more manageable memory loss and symptoms. Cholinesterase inhibitors help with cognitive symptoms by developing acetylcholine. This is an important chemical for learning and memory, and it is low in people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. There are many types of CIs, so it is important to consult a doctor about these. Memantine is a more invasive medication that allows the development of glutamate, another important chemical that is used in memory and learning. Some nootropics allow these effects, too. Therefore, consulting a doctor about the different options will help you gain an idea of what medication is fit for the patient. The psychological toll for Alzheimer’s patients is a lot, therefore, there are therapies and antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and antipsychotic medications, that can help with the psychological effects of Alzheimer’s.


Overall, Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects many people worldwide. Its most common symptom is memory loss, however, there are “side effects”, such as loss of movement, depression, and more. Alzheimer’s is a disorder that can be treated but has no cure yet. The patient must maintain their head up and be hopeful about their future, as well as surround themselves with love and care.